Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Visiting the Family

Am off to LA tomorrow evening for 5 nights with my children and grandchildren. When the kids were little, Frank and I took them to fancy brunches a couple of times on Easter Sunday. So in his honor we will do that in Marina del Rey this Sunday. Jonathan will drive up from San Diego and we will all head out to the Cafe del Rey for a sumptuous brunch.

We are not much on religious observance in our family, although we did used to indulge in matzoh and either attend a seder or hold one in our home during Passover. And one time when the kids were very young we went to the Saturday night before Easter service at a Catholic Church in Santa Monica. This year, however, with Frank gone we will do nothing religious but enjoy one another's company at a feast.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Here's a toast to Spring and family!