Friday, June 15, 2007

Ripple TV

My son Adam works for this company. They place plasma TVs in locations with customers who may have to wait a bit to complete their transactions. A prime example is Coffee Bean, a coffee and tea house, where customers order their cappuccinos then wait a bit for the barrista to serve them. Yesterday, Adam sent me email that I should visit my local Coffee Bean to receive a message from him. This afternoon I drove to the site, ordered a latte, and sat down to watch the tv. After ten minutes of news from CNN and ESPN, as well as adds for Coffee Bean and the United Negro College Fund, the middle of the screen was filled with a message.

Welcome to Arizona, Mom!

Love, Adam

I was thrilled and called to the barrista: "That's me! My son works for Ripple TV!"

If you live in Hawaii, California or Arizona, you might visit a Coffee Bean or Jiffy Lube (two of the sites in which the company has placed these tvs) to experience this unique concept!


Barbara said...

You're a celebrity! But how was the coffee? :)

Kate said...

Coffee was good or better SBucks! (sorry, Jen!)

(My niece manages a Starbucks in Dallas.)


Jack said...

Ooh nice! Reminds me of Fahrenheit 451 where the TV announcer addresses you by name.