I caught up with my son Jonathan last night on the telephone. We spoke for nearly an hour when he returned my early evening call to him. He had just come home from the theater where he saw "No Country for Old Men" with friends. I always trust Jonathan's recommendations on movies and he gave it a qualified thumbs up, with the admonition that it is depressing. That rarely stays me from watching a film but will keep it in mind as to when I view it. Our conversation focused on movies and good television drama for a while, where he extolled The Wire and I revealed that I am addicted to an HBO production on psychotherapy, the name of which I could only remember began with "I." (I remembered this morning, ergo the title of my blog today.) Our conversation drifted to talk of family and our interactions with one another. He revealed some interesting insights about his father and how family members dealt with one another throughout the years. We talked about confrontation and what it meant within the family and what it can mean in the workplace. Finally we discussed our plan to go to Las Vegas sometime this spring to share a weekend enjoying Cirque de Soleil and Penn & Teller. All in all a very therapeutic conversation, at least for me.
You seem to have a good relationship with both of your boys these days. It's good for all of you to talk about things in the past, especially as you all adjust to a life without Frank.
Hopefully you are right about the "boys" and me........ mostly due to their maturities not mine. :)
I heard that HBO were putting all their "In Treatment" episodes on YouTube. I just tried and got "This video is not available in your country". That's not fair.
Well, Jack, since it is a new series it seems to not be available for sale yet. When it is, I will get you a copy. Recently my son sent me a You Tube link to a Tina Fey clip on Hillary Clinton. I watched it then tried to send it to friends. By the time they got my email NCB had copyrighted it and it was no longer available on You Tube. Crazy!
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