Saturday, February 03, 2007


I loved my condo when I first saw it but before I moved in I contracted to have the entire place painted. I had always lived with white or off white walls because I have an extensive art collection and it seemed appropriate. But I grew up with color and wallpaper everywhere because my father was a paint chemist who could differentiate color by name. Something was not orange; it was apricot or tangerine or auburn. Over the years on my own and married somehow I had lost track of that piece of myself. But on my own now again, I decided to bring color back into my life.

My living room is a soft green but the dining L at the end of the room is a shade more intense of the same palette.
The kitchen is a pale yellow and the entry hall a shade more intense in that same palette. My bedroom boasts a window wall in midnight blue while the other three walls are the palest of the yellow palette, nearly white.

I have been comfortable enveloped by these hues but one thing I did not deal with at the time and wish I had: The vanity in my bathroom is from the late '70s and bears a crazed basin. After work yesterday I went with my contractor to Home Depot and picked out a vanity, vanity top, floor tiles & paint. While I am looking for a new home in Arizona later this month, John and his uncle Victor will upgrade my bathroom. It seems silly that I would do this now when I am about to leave Skyline's 25th floor, but that ancient vanity and sink stood out in my mind when I first saw the condo three years ago and I don't want them to be the only things potential buyers remember after they look at my place now.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Good move. Little things like that can make a huge difference.