Thursday, April 23, 2009

A weekend in New York City

Several years ago when I was still living in DC, my friend Allyson (from Boston) and I met in New York City for the Easter weekend. We had a fabulous time and vowed to do it again soon.
Last night we were chatting and she mentioned that she will be in Manhattan from May 6-10 for business meetings and that she would see a new play on Broadway. As we spoke I thought what fun it would be to join her in NYC for the weekend. Her business ends Friday afternoon. My flight arrives at JFK late Friday afternoon!

Friday night we will see

I suggested that I try to get tickets for Saturday night to see my cousin Brian d'Arcy James' play on Saturday. Can you believe that this gorgeous man transforms into this?

We will celebrate my birthday and her half-birthday with a toast at the top of the Marriott!

Am so glad she called!

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